Healthy travel tips

Got the travel bug?

Tips for a safe and healthy vacation.

photo for Nasty norovirus article

Nasty norovirus

The stomach bug that’s sweeping parts of the nation.

Loliness can impact physical and mental health

Loneliness alert

Surgeon general sounds alarm on latest public health epidemic.

Pink Hand Soap

20 seconds to kill germs

How and when to wash or sanitize your hands.

photo for Got guns? article

Got guns?

Tips to talk about firearms in friends’ homes.

photo for Got alpha-gal? article

Got alpha-gal?

Rise in red meat allergy from ticks.

Flu season predictions

Flu forecast

What can we expect this flu season?

photo for Variants and vaccines of 2023 article

Variants and vaccines of 2023

Answers to common questions about this COVID-19 season.

respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

RSV spree

Spot the symptoms of this common respiratory illness.