Marcus Kessler, AA
Anesthesiology Assistant
Marcus Kessler, AA Office and Other Patient Information
Advanced Practice Providers
Nurse Practitioners (APRNs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) are an important part of the Baptist Health team and help us increase timely access to care.
You'll see these advanced practice providers caring for patients in a variety of medical specialties at doctor's offices, hospitals, outpatient centers and emergency rooms. They have advanced medical education and work closely with physicians to diagnose and treat patients, and even prescribe medication.
Marcus Kessler, AA Biography and Info
- Anesthesiology Assistant
- National Commission for Certification of Anesthesiology
- English
Hospital Affiliation
- Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville
- Baptist Medical Center Clay
- Baptist Medical Center Beaches
- Baptist Medical Center South
Legal Practice Name
- U.S. Anesthesia Partners of Florida Inc.
Marcus Kessler, AA Additional Information
Education & Training
Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences - Medical School
Armstrong Atlantic State University - Savannah , GA
2010 – 2013
Master of Medical Science - Medical School
Nova Southeastern Univ. of the Health Sciences - Ft. Lauderdale , FL
2016 – 2018