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Stay safe in the surf

There’s nothing like a day at the beach. But before you jump in, remember these tips:

Article Author: Juice Staff

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3 kids at the beach

Look for lifeguards.

It’s best to swim where lifeguards are on duty, but nothing should take place of your own direct supervision of children. Give them your undivided attention at all times. Lifeguards will also give you a head up if there is dangerous life or rough currents.

Check out the current conditions of the beach.

In lifeguard areas, a flag warning system alerts swimmers of ocean conditions. Pay attention to the conditions and do not swim if there is a strong or rip current. In Jacksonville Beach, you can visit the live surf report to check swim conditions before you head out.

Caught in a current?

If you find yourself in a rip current, remain calm and don’t fight it. Instead, swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current. Once you are released from the current, swim toward shore.

Check for dangerous sea life.

Before you swim, look for signs of jellyfish floating on the surface. Even more menacing is a man o’ war, this is turquoise and looks like a balloon. If you are stung by either, go to a lifeguard for first aid.

Quick as lightning.

A summer storm can form quickly and lightning can strike as a far as 10 miles from where it’s raining. If you hear thunder, stay off the beach for 30 minutes after the last thunderclap.

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