Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve Gastrectomy Main Content

illustration of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

Using minimally invasive technique and improved technologies, sleeve gastrectomy at Baptist Center for Bariatrics is a safe and effective operation.

How Gastric Sleeve Surgery Works

Sleeve gastrectomy works primarily through restriction. Nearly 80% of the stomach is removed, leaving a banana-shaped sleeve as the remaining, usable portion. The procedure removes a part of the stomach that produces ghrelin, a hormone that causes feelings of hunger. The elimination of ghrelin production translates to feeling less hungry. The smaller stomach pouch restricts the amount of food that can be consumed in one sitting.

Typical Results of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  • Average patient loses 50% to 70% of excess body weight
  • Diabetes is eliminated in up to 70% of patients and frequently within weeks of surgery
  • High cholesterol is reduced in more than 70% of patients
  • Hypertension is resolved in more than 60% of patients
  • Sleep apnea is eliminated in more then 80% of patients

Advantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy

  • Procedure is less invasive and does not involve rerouting any portion of the intestine, minimizing the risks associated with gastric bypass
  • No foreign body as with gastric banding and no need for adjustments
  • Recovery time, pain and risk of infection are all reduced

Risks and Considerations

  • There is a low risk of leak or stricture, but most patients have less reflux following surgery
  • You will typically remain in the hospital for one or two days after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. After discharge, a liquid-only diet is required for two weeks and soft food can be consumed after another two weeks. One month after surgery, you can consume solid food in moderation. After surgery, you will be instructed to take a multivitamin and vitamin B12.
  • You will be seen two weeks after surgery, then at three months, six and twelve months and then annually.
  • Going back to work will depend on your type of work, general health and recovery time. On average, you can return to work as soon as two weeks after surgery.

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